3 Types of Basic Ribbon Stitches You Can Learn to Make with Our Fashion Course in Chandigarh!

fashion designing course in chandigarh

Are there any kind of old garments in your wardrobe that you are unable to wear for a long time? Do you know that you can easily enhance those garments with simple and beautiful ribbon stitching? You can do this stitching in any type of outfits and accessories like dresses, sarees or bags. Once you master some of the basic stitches in ribbon embroidery, you can create various types of designs.

Designers, now-a-days, use a lot of pretty ribbons like satin and silk to give a new look to any item. Just like them, even you can learn to stitch adorable designs and patterns in our Online Fashion courses in Chandigarh to enhance a simple item.

Here are the 3 types of basic ribbon stitches you can learn to make in our fashion course in Chandigarh:

Stem Stitch

This type of stitches is used mostly for outlining. First make a straight stitch then come up between the two points of this type of stitch. Make sure that you have equal length in every stitch. Learn Fashion Designing Online in Chandigarh with us to know more about this type of stitches.

Lazy Daisy Stitch

It is one of the variations of the loop stitch where the loop is held with a small straight stitch. You can make designs like flowers, buds and leafs with it.

French Knot

It is made the same way you make French knots with a normal thread. You can use it to decorate bags or home decor items.

With Hunar Online’s Fashion Courses in Chandigarh, you can learn about all of them from the comfort of your home in your own language as per your convenience.

Enrol in our creative classes on Fashion and Design in Chandigarh and get your skills recognised by the Government of India through NSDC.

Get all the Excitement through the Hunar Online Courses APP Today. 

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