Fashion Styling Tips for Summer Make-up

Fashion Styling Tips for Summer Make-up

Summer is one of the most loved seasons by many people. This season is mostly loved by the fashion lovers as they can easily flaunt their style without being buried under a stack of warm clothes. Summer is full of wonderful things and it is loved by people for many reasons but melting foundation, smeared eyeliners or sticky lipstick is not one of them.

Fashion styling in summer is very different from those in the other seasons. You have to take extra care of everything and make sure to protect your skin and hair from the scorching heat of the sun. When one thinks of make-up in the summer the images of golden and shimmering make-up, dewy skin and vibrant colours come to our mind. With the changing fashion trends, the styling of make-up in the summer season has also upgraded. The main focus is to get a natural, fresh and hydrated look round the clock in summers even when you are sweating.

Makeup Kit

Image Source- Frends Beauty Supply

You can find many styling tips in fashion magazines and billions of make-up products but nothing proves to be effective for your skin. Here are some fashion styling tips which are perfect for any skin type. Try out these tips, especially in the summer season. Let’s have a look at these tips one by one:

1. Start with the Right Moisturiser

It is known to us all that our skin produces extra oil during the summer season, even if you have dry skin. Therefore, it is very important for you to take care of your skin by choosing the right moisturiser for your skin. Make sure to use oil-free moisturizer on your face to give it the nourishment it needs. This will help your skin to be less greasy even in the scorching heat. Use light-weight moisturiser so that your face can be hydrated all day long.

2. Layer on Sun Protection

Hydrating your skin during summer is important but protecting it from the sun is equally important. The harmful radiation of the sun can do permanent damage to your skin cells therefore, it is always advised to put on a layer of sunscreen before stepping out in the sun. Most of the time it is suggested to wear a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 or more. To ensure that your skin is properly protected from the sun, re-apply the sunscreen every two hours. Even if you are planning to use make-up make sure to apply sunscreen under your make-up. It ensures that the sun is protected from the damage that the sun can cause.


Image Source- Scuba & H2O Adventures

3. Invest in a Powerhouse Make-up Primer

You will never regret investing in a proper primer. It just takes a few minutes to apply primer evenly on the skin. It is generally applied after moisturiser and sunscreen and it is the base of make-up that keeps the make-up intact and in place. They have a way to go in the summer and hold the make-up in place without making your skin heavy. A good primer can help soften your wrinkles and blur away the imperfections.

Also Read: Learn 10 Minimal Makeup Tips & Tricks with Our Fashion Styling Course!

4. Wear Less Make-up

When it comes to make-up ‘less is more’. All you need is perfection while you apply make-up. If you want to prevent your face from caking and creasing then it is best to apply less make-up. It is important that your skin breathes during the summers. Using tinted concealers or moisturisers can help you get a make-up look in an instant.

5. Glow Up with Some Bronzer

To keep your look fresh and natural apply some bronzer over your make-up. It is recommended to apply bronzer on the high points of your face where the sun hits you naturally, like forehead, chin, cheekbones and nose. Make sure that you don’t apply bronzer to every nook and corner of your face to avoid the fake and cakey look. It is advised to use powder bronzer during the summers as it is easy to apply and also it won’t slip around because of the summer heat.

6. Give Your Eye Shadow Staying Power

If you want your eye shadow to last longer then avoid using eye cream on your lids, it can break down your make-up. Instead, smoothen your eye lids with an eye primer. It minimises creasing and creates a base for the shadow to cling to it so that it can last longer. If you want your eye shadow to last all day long then prefer using powder eye shadow over the cream one.

Powder Eyeshadow

Image Source- Snapdeal

Many fashion institutes are teaching a fashion styling course as it is gaining immense popularity recently. Many people assume that fashion styling is tough and creating designs using this craft is very complex, but this is not the case in reality. You just need to spend some time learning this new skill regularly and before you realise it, you’ll be the master of it. Hunar Online Courses offers a Fashion Styling Course where you can use your creative skills and create different types of make-up designs. You can make use of your creativity and get a perfect make-up look according to the event. You can enrol in our Online Fashion Styling Course. It has easy video classes which are accessible every time and you can learn from anywhere. You also get 24/7 faculty support which will help you clear your doubts.

So, what are you waiting for? Join Hunar Online Courses and start paving a new path to your career.

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