Audrey Hepburn quotes it right-“Why change? Everyone has his own style. When you have found it, you should stick to it.” There is a very fine line of difference when it comes to fashion and style. An individual who has done fashion stylist classes and fashion styling courses online will only be able to tell this. Something fashionable might be stylish, but something stylish is not always fashionable. The style stays while fashion fades away. Style goes beyond textiles and apparels. Style stays with the personality, in fact it brings out the personality more. Fashion can be a category of style. That’s what online courses for fashion styling has been teaching since decades.

Here are some top ways to be your own stylist; to develop your own personal style
Be Yourself
Style is all about being you. Being in your comfort zone can be better than trying to imitate someone else’s style. The person might not feel good about it and eventually give in about looking nice. A wonderful option is to opt for online courses for fashion styling which provides insights about styling.
Age Appropriate dressing
If you are a mother of two teenage girls, then the girls can wear whatever and however they want. But if you are trying to imitate them out of style, surely the style police will catch you! To save yourself from such catastrophe, look up for fashion illustration courses for beginners. They not only help you with designs, but also teach you to imagine how you will look.
Look for inspiration
Once you start your fashion illustration course, take your sketch pad with you wherever you go. Look for inspirations in common people and draw them down for memory. You might find someone’s boots awesome, and someone else’s jacket beautiful. Once you go home and think about it, who knows you just found your perfect attire!
Highlight your assets
Usually fashion illustration short courses will tell you this, to highlight your best asset with accessories and style them appropriately. If you have gorgeous eyes and a long neck, apply some eyeshadow to highlight it and wear a pretty piece of choker set.
It is best to take time to find your style than copy someone else’s in a hurry. What looks good on others might not suit you! Join HOC and create your own style statement.
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