Learn Jewellery Designing & Etiquettes to Wear it!

jewellery designing courses

Since centuries, people have been wearing jewellery to enhance their overall look and to show their status. For example, the lords and senators during the Roman era bought a lot of jewellery designing for themselves and their wives. They wore these jewellery items when they stepped out of their house so people would notice them and respect their power.

The same kind of jewellery design may not be in trend now but there are some basic guidelines which can never be ignored. These basic guidelines are known as Jewellery Etiquette, which basically means what kind of jewellery to wear for which occasion. Jewellery etiquette is all about being aware of what kind of attire is worn occasion-wise, so you can match your jewellery designs with it in the right way.

 antique jewellery designs

Image Source- Vaibhav Jewellers

Everyone knows that accessorizing the right kind of jewellery with your outfit not only improves your look but also boosts your confidence. It gives you a lot of positive vibes and attention wherever you go. Many women think that when it comes to jewellery designs, “Less is More!”. This is, however, not true for most occasions. You may want to wear sparkling and shiny jewellery designs but you have to be sure about when it would fit perfectly. This depends on the kind of attire you are styling yourself with and also the occasion you are getting ready for.

Latest Jewellery Designing & How to Wear Them

There was a time, centuries ago, when there were only limited patterns in jewellery, unlike today. Now, you can make a lot of jewellery designs and patterns in earrings, necklaces, pendants, rings, bracelets and others. There are also many different materials used in the creation of jewellery apart from just gold and silver. Today, you can use clay, fibre, wires, rose gold and many other kinds of materials to create jewellery designs.

Each of these jewellery items and their designing processes directs us towards a different place to be worn at like,

Everyday Jewellery Designs

There are many jewellery items which can be used every day like rings, thin neckpieces like a chain, pendants which are not heavy and bracelets. If you are married then you will always accessorize yourself with a wedding band and engagement ring. Apart from these, women can wear neck chains and stoned rings for everyday use.

everyday jewellery

Image Source- sheemazaman

Office Jewellery Designs

The kind of jewellery you wear to the office is important but it is also prominent to keep in mind that your accessories should not make a lot of noise. Apart from being noisy, your jewellery items should also not distract others. This distraction can divert minds during a meeting and while working since it’s a busy time. You can, however, show your love for jewellery with minimal and office-appropriate designs.

To keep it minimal, you can wear stud earrings which complement your overall style and also match your outfit. You can also wear hoops or fancy stud earrings till the time they do not sparkle or shine and do not create a disturbance for you or others.

There are many offices where you can wear large earrings and other fancy jewellery items. The only thing to keep in mind here, also, is the amount of sound your jewellery would make. You should always avoid jewellery items which are noisy when going to the office. Never wear skulls and skeletons to the office either as it does not look very professional.

Formal Occasion Jewellery Designs

This is the time to put on your best jewellery and show-off the way you want to. However, you have to make sure that your jewellery items are in sync with your outfit for the occasion. For example, if your attire is of bright shades then you cannot wear dark-coloured jewellery as both of them will not complement each other.

You can use shiny and sparkling jewellery for these occasions but make sure that they enhance your best features. For example, if you are styling your hair in a bun then you can show-off your cheekbones and attractive jawline with a beautiful diamond or crystal earrings. You can also wear a statement necklace with such styling as it enhances your neckline making you look more fashionable.

formal occasion jewellery

Image Source- FashionPro

Party Jewellery Designs

It’s a party! You can wear whatever you want to! If you miss not wearing clanging bangles and noisy earrings then this is the time to show-off these jewellery items. It does not matter what kind of jewellery you want to wear; it can be worn to a party. If you have any skull and skeletons jewellery which are informal then those are welcome too.

Also Read: Types of Jewellery Designs You Can Learn to Create from Home!

The only jewellery etiquette to keep in mind here is to not overdo it. Don’t wear everything you own, all at once. Divide your jewellery and try to mix & match them with different outfits. This will give you a new look at every other party.

Image Source- TrendBux

Jewellery Designing Rules- Old vs New

There was a time when jewellery designs had lots of rules. It was very intimidating for people who wore it and designed too. For example, it was a known fact that mixing of real and unreal gems should not happen. It was not written in stones yet everybody followed it. Today, such rules are forgotten and this has expanded the creativity for designers. These small changes in jewellery designing are easier to work with and can be remembered easily too.

It was believed that there should not be mixing of various materials like gold, copper, silver or any other. If you are wearing gold jewellery then you should wear only gold jewellery and same for silver or any other material. However, today you can mix, match and wear all kinds of jewellery items together.

old vs new jewellery rules

Image Source- malawigems You can join our jewellery designing to learn more about jewellery etiquettes and designing of various jewellery items from home. You can learn from expert faculty and get certified by the Govt. of India and Hunar Online.

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